Lindsay Edwards
Skillsoft issued completion badges are earned based on viewing the percentage required or receiving a passing score when assessment is required. In this 11-video course, learners can examine different types of exceptions that can be raised in Python and how they can be handled with except blocks. Explore execution of Python scripts from the command line, including use and parsing of command-line arguments. To begin, use a try and except block to handle a Python exception, then learn how to handle exceptions that your code may raise. Explore how exceptions are defined in a hierarchy and how related exceptions are caught and handled. Next, define multiple except blocks to handle various exceptions that can be raised by code; convert code prototyped in a Jupyter notebook into a Python script that can be executed from a shell, and run code from the Python shell and execute single-line and multi-line commands. Learn about parsing command line arguments, and use the sys and argparse module to access command-line arguments to a Python script, then parse and use the arguments passed to a Python script from the command line. Finally, learn to define command-line arguments by using argparse.
Issued on
December 18, 2024
Expires on
Does not expire